At this point you REALLY need someone in SL to be listening in as You will not be able to hear yourself and your friend without a terrible delay and hearing yourselves 30 seconds later. You will have YOUR stream details pasted in to the land media in SL. ( KEEP ALL SOUND OUTPUT AT THIS POINT TO YOUR HEADPHONES ie: System Prefs-sound-output- headphones). The monitor output will ensure that YOU can hear your friend playing. So assuming that is the case, press broadcast. IE, if they are playing guitar and you are singing it stands to reason that they need to play first so you can hear the intro and start singing at the right time. You can hear them so at this point it is important to note WHO is playing the lead. The basis is this, You are hijacking your friends stream, they are feeding into your application, they Cannot hear you. Open up GB and have your vocal track open ( monitor on). Now you are going to Hijack that stream and run it. That will open up iTunes and you click to play their stream and you should now be able to hear them streaming into iTunes. Now take your friends stream details ie and paste that into your browser Or, paste the url as in. Now you need to open iTunes whilst leaving YOUR source to Garageband. You have your stream already: your duet partner will now need to start streaming from their computer on their stream. You can now close the Nicecast effects box (or minimize) Advanced, Crossfade and at the bottom of the box Hijack and Monitor output.Ĭheck the monitor output box and leave the Application Mixer box up on your screen. It is called Application Mixer( KEEP THIS OPEN AT ALL TIMES) You will see a new floating box with Itunes pop up. Scroll to application mixer and the default box that is inserted into the Nicecast effects box will be iTunes. Right click on the 'blank' effects box and choose 4FX effect. Now, to 'hijack' another stream( so you can play with another user) you are going to be getting it (their stream)from iTunes.
Nicecast archived audio windows#
Open up Nicecast: Click on Windows on the top menu, choose Show Effects and you get a floating window (NICECAST EFFECTS). You do need Two separate streams ( ie 2 server streams to do this and multiply if you want to do trios or more) There are pros and cons to this method as I will explain a little later on, but firstly the good stuff!
Nicecast archived audio install#
It already comes with the Nicecast application, If you Didn't install it when you installed Nicecast. This allows you to 'hijack' another stream that someone is connected to and run it through into your computer ready to stream out again with your own, into SL for instance. Using Nicecast there is an application called soundflower or audio hijack.

This is based on YOU being the end streamer ie: the person who sends the entire stream into SL Ill run through here on using the daisy chain method.
Nicecast archived audio Pc#
You can steam with another mac user or you can stream with a Pc user, the platform you are using actually makes no difference.